Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where Can Man Wax Balls Dc

SSUES money. tentatively was watching how much you earn an elementary teacher and how an engineer - hell, teachers have many advantages because of government. Er, at the same time these things can then be affected (with amendments and so on), but I have faith in the Mexican system corporate-union (?). Engineers have the disadvantage that they are often trusted employees and are at the first.
The point is that "the salary of an engineer, you can shoot more, but the responsibility goes proporcinalmente. I do not like to feel responsible for what you do not know (by this I mean, for me, education is very important too well - but

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back Pain When Drinking Cold Drink Dark room

I open my eyes to darkness.
I say I can not return.
I close my eyes filled with tears.