Rating: NC-17
Summary: One thinks the other is dead, 'was killed' and went just before a vampire to save him, so his death has been suffering all this time. Finally, a vampire who decides it's time to see again. Happy ending, EWE.
Chapter 2
Then Draco leaned forward to save the letterin hiding, turning the key at the very moment that the exterior office door open. He straightened up and felt his heart quicken a bit as soon as his son entered his office, closing the door softly behind him.
was so handsome, thought not for the first time. Taller than him, the same shade of platinum hair, though his sharp features had been softened by the genes of her mother. Scorpius's eyes were brown like Astoria and his chin was square instead of tapered. In his twenties he was tall, thin, thought Draco, much more guapo him, and by far a better person. He was dressed in a navy blue suit, a blue-gray silk shirt following his father's preference for muggle clothing. Draco stood up and tried to smile as his son crossed the office to him, but did not fool Scorpius, never had been done. At the time he reached out, the boy studied his father's red eyes with an expression that existed between sympathy and understanding. Draco shook, but Scorpius put his other hand on top of his father and imprisoned in his.
"Good morning, Father," he said softly shaking handsher affair with Harry Potter never left the inner circle of it. Sabíay Ron Draco had hated for so long that his reaction was not unexpected. He hated the whole thing, he hated that Harry cheated to Ginny, but never stopped being his friend. Hermione had heard, but at the time hardly seemed surprised by the relationship that existed between the two Aurors. After Harry's death, became a haven of tranquility friendly and compassionate in the shattered existence of Draco and still remained a good friend. Ginny never told's name. Never understand that Providence was the one who smiled during that dark time, because although he was disappointed Scorpius, the love he felt for his father never hesitated. Moreover, more united. And you'd never know that he had told his wife Narcissa, because for some strange reason, Astoria did not attend the press did not tell their parents and never again say anything directly on the matter. Of course that did not stop turned into a miserable bitch who made snide comments and happily spent all the money he could lay hands, but he created & iacuera. The occasions on which his father had called at his desk, were occasions for terror, he never would make your child feel less than it was, ever.
"What you have in mind?" Draco asked, crossing her long legs so elegantly as permitted by the rigidity of the right thigh.
"This morning I saw Mrs. Weasley," Scorpius began edging over the fold of his dark pants. Draco waited watching the face of his son as he appeared to choose his words carefully. "I asked you to intercede on their behalf. & Amp; rdquo;
Draco sighed to himself. I knew what it was that and they had told Hermione he was not interested.
"If it comes to Americans ..."
"Father," said Scorpius raised his brown eyes to his. "Please listen before you say no."
looked so anxious and Draco sounded so serious that he agreed with a slight nod, even when he felt a twinge of annoyance against Secretary Substitute Weasley.
"The situation has become ... more serious, "dIJO smoothly. "It's definitely something happening, something dark and people in power fear that they have a problem similar to that we had so many years ago."
Draco did not need any explanation for the enigmatic words policies of his son to know what he meant.
"They think they have a Dark Magician," asked a little ironic.
"They think they have a potential," said Scorpius. "And quite frankly feel a little embarrassed. Have never dealt with something and are desperate for someone toacute, looking calm even when he had his fists clenched on the arms of the chair.
"Sorry, sir."
Draco swallowed hard, then shook his head before returning to open his eyes. His first thought was to reassure his son when he saw the blush on the cheeks of Scorpius.
"No, that's fine," he said heavily. "My father was ... intimately connected with Riddle. And I was ... nearby. Frequently. Often enough to understand that the man was a monster and my father an idiot. "He paused, feeling the full weight of his forty-eight to & n;.
"And there's more. Last night was new information, "continued when Draco was silent a moment. Draco was not sure if I wanted to know what was going to say next, but nodded careful that their child will continue. "Al .. Apparently there is a ... watchful also, someone who is fighting this sinister threat, someone who is acting as a mercenary. "
Draco frowned. "Surely the Ministry."
"No, sir," interrupted politely Scorpius. & Amp; ldquo; not nobody from the Ministry. They think it is being funded by a private source ... "He paused and licked his lips as if he was nervous again, looked down coffee at the knees.
"Go on, son," Draco urged him gently. Scorpius looked up seeing his face almost sorry.
"They could find the trace of the signature magic wand left mercenary." That cold shiver go back to Draco's skin while studying the frown on his son.
"is that ofp; oacute; way or relaxed as he settled into his first-class cabin luxury British Airways jet after purser review its handsome black wool coat and had given the cup of Cognac that had , has requested. I was too nervous, anxious and tense. If the information he had given his son was too disturbing, which gave Hermione Granger had been much more.
Almost as soon as Scorpius had left, Malfoy left the building and walked the four blocks that separated him and Hermione Weasley Ministry admitted in his office almost immediately. Her reddish brown eyess by fatigue and were overshadowed by dark circles too many sleepless nights. He offered coffee and a chair and then showed him what I had.
He reviewed the reports of the American Minister, with each passing page increased his anxiety while she sips her coffee bebíaa. When he reached the last report looked up to discover watching carefully.
"It is impossible," he muttered.
She had shaken her head emphatically.
"It is not," he said. & LdquoHarry and senior members of the Wizengamot.
heard the soft roar of the huge jet engines while it rolled down the runway staring at the track bleak and windswept, but his mind was on that day off; the crowd dressed in black and up, the clouds dark and ominous. Ginny Weasley with her three young children bravely standing near the coffin, James, red, auburn hair's baby in her arms and little Albus, of the same age as her green eyes Scorpius wide with confusion. He was attracted by the young replica of Harry but were maintainedor away from them. I could not see them in the eye, could not talk to the widow, could not go to the family to offer condolences. Maybe Ginny was burying her husband, but he had lost his reason for living.
only thing that kept him sane was Scorpius. Scorpius
needed it. That was said repeatedly every day. Scorpius needed him, his mother needed him. So he lived his life, or what was left of it. Never, never in the nineteen years since that night, there was evidence that they were still somewhere Harry and his wand. Up
to what? I did not. All I knew was that I had to keep moving forward and it was imperative to reach its destination, nothing was ever as important as the fact of getting to where I was.
And then he was wrapped in warmth, sweetness, seductive and smooth against his face like a lover's hair, moving through his veins like a heady wine.
"Draco," he whispered gently a dark voice in his ear. Their sound had lit fires believed extinct forever auLXC "I'm sure," gasped the body reacting fiercely to the pleasure. "God, please, I'm sure!"
The hand that imprisoned her hair was somewhat less than gentle, and felt his head atrásy pulled aside. "Toccata," the silky voice instructed him while her tongue traced the throbbing pulse beneath his chin. I felt a sweet languor, nipples contracted it so far and so fast that it was slightly painful, his breath stuck in his throat while his erection palpitobacco, leaving drops of pre seminal fluid on her flat stomach. A gentle hand closed on hers and his fingers curled around his penis that desperately jumped into the palm of Draco.
"I love you," the voice whispered to her throat. "I have loved for so long, always will. Remember that. Always ... "
The words sent through your body a wave of relief accompanied by a profound joy. Tears fell from his eyes and kept quiet when he felt a hardness pressed against sor narrow opening, tried to provide the way to force your muscles to accept what had been denied for so long ...
felt the burning of the penetration right at the same time as another sharp pain pierced his throat, he gasped and arched to realize what was, what was happening .. . but then it accelerated pulse and pain of possession were swept away by the emergence of ecstasy deeper ...
"Harry!" Sobbed when he lost all coherent thoughte. ..
"Sir? Sir? Wake up, sir. "
Draco winced and blinked confused looking at the worried face above hers. For a split second he felt the panic came over him, because he did not remember where I was, or who was the face, and his pulse had already accelerated , thon started, uncomfortably. But then he felt the subtle vibration of the plane, he heard the dull roar of the engines and recognized the young face veiHTMLXC "Lord, okay?"
confused Draco blinked again and wiped tears from her face with shaking hands. "I'm fine," he quickly said the purser. "I ... a nightmare ... "
" Of course. "A hand appeared in his line of sight holding what looked like a folded handkerchief. Held it, feeling it warm and moist against his hand. She wiped her face quickly, then came to his mind an idea and looked alarmingly quick commissioningidamente.
"I did not ... noise, right? "asked feeling the color rise in his face. The purser's strong body prevented him from seeing the other first class passengers, but also realized with a sudden rush of gratitude, he escondíaa others.
"No," he said kindly man whose name, Drew, was engraved on a plate. "I just realized that it looked ... distressed. Not cause any problems. "
sighed again and feeling relieved termin &a plantation along the Ashley River, on the outskirts of the city.
& aORT bahíay overlook the park, "he said as he turned toward him with a polite smile on his face. "If the opening in the afternoon, comes a lovely breeze from the harbor. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. "
" It's lovely, thank you, "he answered sincerely to look around. She had consented to their leaving from standing in the center of the room studying what could only be described as a tribute to all representative of Gryffindor. Sighing, he had removed his coat, room & iacuteand, to left on a nearby chair, then he removed his jacket and tie, then shoes with the same feet, open his collar and was lying on the bed savoring the mattress with a hedonistic pleasure. It follows that he had learned was that it was dark and had raised the bed sleepy. When he came shuffling and all aching to the parlor, he found a tray with a lid on the coffee table was in front of the fireplace.
"Mr. Malfoy, "said the note attached. "Mr. Harper said he likes the cheese and fruit. For fnot in the parlor. It was low season and he was one of only three guests. Habitacióny stayed at breakfast tea and toast, and was finishing his meal when a young driver in uniform appeared at the door.
"Mr. Malfoy, "he asked gently. Draco looked up from the newspaper to be politely being studied.
"I'm here to take you to your meeting with the Minister HTMLXC
"Well," he said with the air of a teacher at the beginning of class, & ldquoo; Charleston is one of the oldest cities in the United States and the first magicians who settled in North America tended to head towards the southern states. South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana. There was a small settlement in New England, but we know how that the population was magic, right? "He arched an eyebrow ironically. Draco supposed to have some sense, if he were a magician in the late seventeenth century, would also have kept as far away from Salem, Massachusetts. Outside the elevator
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