Produced by the legendary Bob Ezrin (Pink Floyd, Kiss), 30STM take hold to a world of symbolism and iconographic images from their own name (the irremediable hypervelocity track approach to Mars, AKA the God of War
) and achieve compelling moments as the single Capricorn (A Brand New Name), the splendid Buddha For Mary (or how to mix sci / fi with religious expression to a true story) or Welcome To the memorable simply TI Universe and 93 Million Miles, demonstrating that although the metal world and everything is invented, they can turn around a few concepts to get something really fascinating.
30STM is an interesting journey full of nuances and influences, from Orgy to Tool (the messianic Fallen) or Alice In Chains (Year Zero and cryptic chorus .) But we see no illusions that do not exist. The truth is that Jared Leto's band has enormous potential which could not be better reflected in this debut. A result as solid as it seems to be made to last over time. As the most powerful ever created alloyda. As a capsule of memories, containing everything that should be preserved for generations to come floating through space. As a small classic of its kind. Time and space. Chaos and calm. Religion and science fiction. Thirty Seconds to Mars. The future is theirs.
Riff / Fanzine
01 Attack
02 A
03 The Kill
05 The Fantasy
07 From Yesterday
08 The Story
10 A Modern Myth
12 Hunter After a debut album that became a cult and adoration for a busy number 30 Seconds to Mars fans once again visited several studies over the past two years. Jared Leto put aside its more alternative to charging a psychedelic rock very near to the wave of new wave 80. The influence of groups like DepecC
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