l that many children, which had bothered him was that he had disrupted her sense of permanence and security. But Draco had shown him every day until he boarded a plane to the United States and beyond, that no matter who share the bed was Scorpius whom I adored, Scorpius he loved.
was surprised when his father called him to tell U.S. that 'he had met someone "and wanted to see where the relationship came. The Mansion had offered little comfort to Draco since his wife learned of his adventure.Scorpius loved his mother but did not stop to see its flaws. I knew it was a miserable bitch, so I could not object that his father take the opportunity to be happy when it was presented. It simply had not expected to stay away permanently.
In a surprise move, Draco had passed the reins of the conglomerate Scorpius Malfoy four years after moving to the U.S.. Behaved quite mysterious about her new lover., Scorpius told English he was a wizard, but nothing more. Kept in touch to offer advice and orientation & OverhaulI n, but withdrew completely from the business saying he was 'starting over' and hope that Scorpius would take care of his grandmother and family affairs. I had a post in South Carolina where he could send letters and for years had maintained contact with his father via cell phone, but then, suddenly, Draco just disappeared. Scorpius hired private investigators. He even traveled to America to find his father, but he had disappeared. Defeated and deserted, is convinced that his father had had a final tr & ation, but he looked so upset that followed shortly thereafter. could not forget what he saw when he found the time left of life. She sat on a white chair by the fireplace Queen Anne, despite sonreíaa silent tears streaming down her cheeks. She went to her quickly and knelt at his feet touching a doll in his hand. "Grandma, do you feel bad?"
She looked into his eyes shining with tears. "Oh, no, honey," she whispered. "Estand she gave the letter excited.
There, with a letter that recognized immediately, was written
"Those who love do not die, perhaps moving from this perishable world to the world of eternal existence." The Prophet Mohammad
And down there was more; Rest in peace, dear. Do not cry for me, for I am with you and love you forever. had no signature, but did not need to have it. Scorpius
note buried along with Narcissa when she died shortly thereafter. And it aunque had cheered the tranquility that the note given to her grandmother, Scorpius felt hurt and upset by it. It had been years, years since they had heard from his father, everyone thought he was dead and when he finally made contact, he did by means of a note with two or three squiggly lines on his mother talking about 'eternal love' or something silly like that, but nothing more. He had not wanted to feel slighted, Narcissa was not in good health and that little note had not abandoned his hands during his last days, but he felt as if his padre would have been slapped. "He was not important enough for her father to contact him too? And where was I? It was evident that he had found passionate love with that mysterious lover. So searing that it had forgotten its responsibilities, his family ... Scorpius had decided not to feel hurt, but they had been. So hurt that for the next two decades tried to convince himself he did not care if his father died vivíao.
But had reached a certain level of understanding now that it had sixties. CHTMan profound as what he felt for Narcissa Marie, and his anger toward his father began to fade until it was just a memory and what remained was a dull ache in the heart along the place where his father had once inhabited. A sixty-five years could honestly say that you wanted the best for his father. You should now have his nineties, but still alive, expected to be happy with the life he had chosen.
left the photo again on the corner of his desk and stood up carefully, stopping to stretch your back before you cross the room will & amp; oacute n to one of two high-backed chairs that faced the fireplace. I had a glass of brandy on the table waiting. Before you sit in the chair took the cup and held it in his hand a moment before giving him a drink, enjoyed how you burned all the way to the stomach. Araminth was not in the mansion that evening, had gone to a reunion of witches by the solstice and it was so that children no longer lived in the big house. He removed his shoes and stretched his feet to the fire, took a deep breath taking another sip of liquor. God, he was tired ..or straightening. As he said this, he realized that was actually dreaming. The face that looked at that time was no different from his father's face when he left that night many years ago in the International Terminal at Heathrow. No, he corrected himself, enjoying the sight of Draco Malfoy smiling gently, never seen his father as well, at least not in person. Maybe in pictures, but even then ...
The birth of her hair and was not far behind, and a piece of the platinum blond hair fell over his forehead. I had no wrinkles and his eyes were clear, was entyou the power of the subconscious. He watched his father's suit coat over his lap, he could appreciate how the firelight shone on the ring that was being recorded in the right hand. The Engraved Ring of Malfoy had never seen the hand of his father without him.
"I'm sure you have questions," said Draco when he had settled. "I can not answer many of them. I just hope you're not too ... angry with me. "studied the face of Scorpius almost anxiously. "I was in," admitted Scorpius. "For a long time. But now ... "
"Son, you were," said understanding. "You were more of a man at twenty years that I have to the thirty-five. Much more sure of your place in the world, mass care of business. Mass
charge of your own life. "He stopped smiling yet slightly. "You were ready Scorpius, or I would not have gone." Scorpius
bright eyes stared from his father, the surprisingly young face. "This is a dream, right?" He asked suddenly. Draco shook his head.
"Lo ands? "
" It's the only explanation is to make you look thirty years younger than me. "
Draco's smile grew wider. "It is not the only explanation, but it certainly is the most rational."
"A while ago I was thinking about you," Scorpius continued. "I saw the photo on his desk ..."
Draco looked over his shoulder at the portrait of silver and when he turn his eyes were full of nostalgia. "Yes. I loved that picture. I still lovecho time ... "
" I know, "Scorpius said quickly, then stopped. "So, you're still with him?"
The smile that invaded Draco's face was bright and all I could do was stare Scorpius. Even he could see the beauty in her face. "And we will continue together," she said firmly. "Until the end of time."
"So?" I joked, but Draco had the appearance of knowing the answers to questions not asked when sumptuously nodded.
"Tanto the case. Now I must go. "Then he stood up with a fluid motion of an almost supernatural beauty and Scorpius tried to stand too. "No," Draco said softly with one hand telling you to stay seated. "Do not move, Scorpius. No need to get up. "
" I hold you, sir, "said Scorpius feeling alarmed when a gray mist appeared on the sides of his vision. He blinked as Draco smiled ruefully.
"One can not embrace a dream child," she murmured. Scorpius wanted to ignore it, poker &to sleep. **
He was waiting at the gates ornamented, broad shoulders encased in black velvet, her hair looked unkempt black and blue under the moonlight. Draco came to him in silence, but the other felt it and turned to him with open arms. Happy hugging Draco left front reloading the strong jaw.
"How are you?" His deep voice echoed in the dark. "Wonderfully," Draco said with nostalgia. "It's a good man."
"Onpe, but his smile widened. "You can do better, Potter," she scolded. "Ninety-one years. Act according to your age. "
" Never, "Harry smiled, his face radiant youth. "Well, Malfoy, Paris?" Draco nodded burning eyes.
Harry bent down to catch Draco's lips in a kiss that had much feeling despite being short, then the fair head cradled in his neck and stepped . Disappeared in the fog with a & amp; lsquo; pop 'soft. **
Scorpius awoke with a slight hum, not sure what he had disturbed, was found still sitting on the couch in front of the dying fire. I had no idea what time it was, but felt he had been sleeping for hours. He ran a hand through his white hair as fragments of an extraordinary dream began to fill his mind.
had spoken with his father. He stopped looking at the fireplace. An amazing talk. And the sight of his father had been ... wonderful. Happy. Young. Y land was told I needed to hear Scorpius, who loved him. I missed it. I was proud of him. That memory was a wistful smile on his face full of wrinkles.
Scorpius shook his head, puzzled, leaning on the couch. "It's time to sleep, man," he muttered to himself. "You're getting dreamer in old age." He put his hands into the arms of sillóny was ready to stop when his eyes saw something lying on the table with his glass of brandy. He stood motionless staring at the object. It was an as if it was alive. Scorpius looked at the stamp of the family for a while, then took the photo of the ring before putting it on the third finger of his right hand. I was fine.
blinked mysterious fade moisture from his eyes, then rolled out slowly looked at her photography andhas a more open, took a hand over his heart as he watched.
was the picture of two young men, one with dark hair, the other blond hair, smiled at the camera, they were embraced. As he watched, the man with black hair, round glasses, unkempt hair and