Are 7:21 am on June 15. Let's see what I can tell Versailles concert * 3 *)
Versailles-Method of Inheritance-JUBILEE I spend an exorbitant amount of money, so if they can help recover a bit with some cartoon I buy it but only pay 50 hundred dollars will feel like
xDD Anyway. Input, were alone in the capital * le gasp * I mean Icha and me - thanks to Rox for all the precautions that had me * 3 *) in total posting to me like 40 times xDDD
here's truck ; for capital salíaa ~ 7am but was delayed one hour (=__=)ro Icha convinced to get off at another subway station, on "Jamaica" (is like 4 blocks from the venue) ~ and there is another hotel nearby, which was where we left off instead of An Cafe ~ ~ ~ and well yes, we stayed there and even in the same room (* AAA *) xDD and then it's funny because by posting a Garou to see where they had left him, his friend and Dai ... and then like 3 posts we realized we were in the same hotel xD is more in adjoining rooms: Or we would not have planned it out so well.
the night of 12 took a walk through the market Jamaica (Mital over the market are pure in flowers ...your burger (even though I had already made breakfast smoothie HerbaLife ~ X). We walk ~ oh yeah! before reaching lunch we sat outside of Fine Arts and a man came to sell us things>>) xD as the sincere and the thing, and tell us that we sold a bracelet to seven dollars and two bracelets ~ a. .. FIFTEEN (?_?) xDD worse they bought several things without realizing that, but hey, we were going to fight us for a peso.
eating at Burger King
If I remember after that went to the market and bought flowers. Icha buy ridiculous amounts to make arrangements acurchase ~ I bought a pair of pins, one with the look of Myaku and another that says "I ♥ Dir en Grey"

o_O) ok, from the preceding paragraph and this I slept about six hours of the XDD which were here on a desktop * * as pathetic eh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After Karen distributed the flyers Diru FC ~ sat I took water ... talk, we take photos. Icha walked selling flowers arrangement left over left SI xD gift in the gift table, I preferred to keep mine to give to Teru in person owo)
At some & amand, they say in English (in addition ~ is a touch, no? xD). YUKI IS HIGH RE X_X) I died, it is also handsome ♥ ♥ ♥ arg,

arrives almost handsome Kamijo> 3 \u0026lt;
or chance if I do not know afrehndtr; AAAA;
the net almost rather not scream xDD xD I sang motion. _.) but hey, that's why concerts are> 3 \u0026lt;) also tried , not to harm anyone, A;) do not know xDD in headbangs we all got wet with sweat each other eug xDDD xD but X ~ is that someone was saying things as & aUV LSTBJRXHTGRFH
that hair ¡¡¡!!! : Q_ and smiled ~ EXTREMELY LINDOF DSGFSDR no, no, he's a doll, that awful * w * ~ Hizaki
puff, BEAUTIFUL MAN and Kamijo dsgsexdghdhe dsfxsdd ♥ * faints * THAT LOOK, well, obvious part is the effect of x3 pupilentes like 3 times seemed to look directly towards me and lifted dszdvdxfb eyebrow looked so incredibly sexy and I * faints * xsdfsrsdsgre ARG, that thing Kamijo, casts a desire> , 3 \u0026lt;) According to someone face (great, I just saw and I can not remember who it was xD) this was the setlist:

Ski / SE:
1 - Sound in gate
2 - Prelude
Played live and in living color:
1 - Aristocrat's Symphony

2 - Shout & Bites
3 - Zombie
4 - Ai to Kanashimi no
nocturne 5 - Prince
6 - After Cloudia
7 - The Umbrella of Glass
1 - Silent Knight

2 - Reminiscence
More o3o:
1 - Catharsis
2 - Gekkakou
3 - Amorphus
4 - Serenade
5 - God palace
6 - Ascended Master
7 - Princess
1 - The red carpet day
2 - The Revenant Choir BONE, MASSIVE WASbody says "I just shouted to Masashi" but do not be fooled MANY Masashi he shouted, the problem was that another good did not know: /
between song and song, was Hizaki fast for your mirror to see * w *) super cute ♥ Kamijo drank water, Teru only looked cute: 3 SWEAR BY GOD TO FACE SO TERU ► : 3 TOTAL And ABSOLUTELY Continuing XD
Maso Ai to Kanashimi least someone pushed me @ ^ @ I moved as two rows for atrásy several meters to the left. At first I aust poest, Shout & Bites? o_O? I was so kind to
grrrr * ¬ * xDD) I could not stop looking at that moment, sorry.
In Aristocrat's thought he would die, the excitement was FULL, then the chorus Zombie was wanting - but I have a question what were you shouting? xDD "Raise? "Rage? "FIGHT?
XDDD I said "rafrf" xD nah, not true, he was saying "raise". And got up owo fist)
Mmm ... truth, both as Prince Ai to Kanashimi I spent a bit of night xD as I say, I think that was because Ipushed and rolled ~ ~ ~ anyway, then took the opportunity to see everyone. MASASHI
Versailles ♥ love him in forever. Ya, I love, I love "for him in the concert, hopefully other fans plenty to think like me x) Yuki almost did not see it as it was dark mass or I ~ be passed before KAMIJO SEPARATE AND ME YUKI DISTRAÍAAAA> A \u0026lt;)
ahhh, Kamijo
evil xD I remember Kamijo shouted "After Cloudiaaaaaaa" before the song * ¬ *) that song I never room & amp; iacute; to know so very TASTY ~ XDD oh and I think that before Zombie did an MC, right?
Sometime presented to the band ~>>) did as 3 MC, at the time, I understood everything oh blessed three dollars o3o Japanese because if I will have the Japanese ma s crappy X333 ENTENDÍIII all but one of those asked if we were having fun xD o3o obvious that if everyone was shouting as if he understood xDD sometimes not let me hear it> \u0026lt;) but as I I missed a word. Kamijo said Kamijoescas things xD-style "my heart beats with emotion blah blah" stuff as & a, IQuest, no? > \u0026lt;)
and as I said "OMG ALONE!"
Teru looked almost just
, just before they started going Kamijo looked at Hizaki, Yuki and Masashi.
BTW, I did pretty headbang, hilarious, especially because
within a second and then looked Hizaki Teru and Kamijo
all blurred xDDD xD I took off the lens hundreds of times, blind love will not be taaa . At some point my red collar fell, A;) peeeero Rox end told me where I was and I recovered o3o) (Rox. .. do not you get tired of being HAART good?). I jumped in Gekko
obviously must feel weird replace someone like that ... XD ANYWAY also read out there (and I saw this part), Princess (or Prince>>) Teru's guitar stopped ringing and the roadie aided him @ A @ then Masashi took the lead (that's just what I saw) and when Teru wanted to get his place was mediated against Masashi Ruder, A;) but Wicky said Masashi chance was because he almost blows his head with low xDD Teru
X'DDDDDDDDD In Reminiscence remembered a critical JUBILEE xDDD I read where he said that song was like Teru walking in a field of flowers with momamp; oacute; that wave. Same with Rox (
is that it was fate!
hence Teru looked better, moved more comfortably and was with Dai, Rox, Garou, Kary and Karen). It made me scream hardly unusual for "Ancora, ancora," they cried, but in English "encore" ~ and often "~ Versailles Versailles." AHHHHH, YES x333 on one of those that are put back before the song, shout "Teru, Teru" and waved us x3333 Aaaaah, so adorable ~ man how many years will?
if the youngest of the band andESA
) and Yuki threw his water bottle. Someone in the audience threw a bouquet of roses KAMIJO and nearly blinded XDD but even he gave the girl laugh xD apart forgave the fans on Facebook. And is that nothing happened to the branch head Kamijo. SMILE KAMIJO
, not that I want to fuck those who were not at the concert ... but if something is lost, it was the smile of Kamijo drtdghxer. THOUSAND times better than any photo or video scene
smiled as cavalierly, mixed with mischief, iswe listened to us ~ "WE ARE VERSAIIIII!" shouted> W \u0026lt;) or
Ok, following the dismissal. They looked angelic with the light on them, cansaditos ... I wish that the public carry thousands of roses, a pink fan minimum, but not u3u) is that it would have been nice ... but I think we were good audience. XD Gonna OBVIOUS THAT IF * 3 *)
Sometime near the end of horse loaded Kamijo x33 NOT HAVE RE-PUTA IDEA how, but I ended up being close to him so we D8 push? xD and another time one of the band ~ (er. .. Hizaki?) threw something(Not the goodbye ... before ... I>>). And Yuki was the one that stayed despidiénsose. God is so good why Yuki almost do not want it? I apologize Ra Athena and such because from now on, oh, how I love Yuki.
As I want to remember that deadly handsome Kamijo looked in the encore, apart from that no longer carried the layer ~ do not know, as he smiled more often or something.
The truth is very focused on me and Kamijo Teru , but I just kept losing Hizaki in alone, and Masashi Yuki times (TAT GUAPÍIIIISIMO, plz stay with Versailles.)
O~ stolen work
Total ... left the stage ... we met Kary, Karen, Rox, Icha and me and we sat on the floor ... the general ticket ~ left the place we stayed at The VIP seating, sit-... then ... I knew that in other places the fan meeting was Alice's clothes and the Pirates ~
GOD BUT, one thing is that you and have another view. Obviously, not wearing makeup Hizaki purple like in the pictures, and Kamijo his hat and so, but who were looked divine divine. The band emerged from the door that is on the right of the stage and went through the pasillito where we had entered the VIP x3and everyone cried and stopped and watched. As they walked in front, Teru looked. Then I checked to verify that all the clothes if Alice and the Pirates xDD and I was seeing and Hizaki Yuki.
discovered that apart from androginofílica are kodonafílica x3 can not be coincidence that Ciel kodona Teru-sama "the only kodona makeup and still looks infaltil" I like both (
VIP Bracelet ~ if you take it off soon, or got lost or something and had no right to pass the fanmeeting x_x) We were callsI, the twenty to say xD originally was going to order two autographs Kamijo ~ but only left one ... Chance would have given me, but no, what a pity. I wanted to get nervous.
A girl behind me wanted to say that I loved ~ I told you how to say, I could say "aishiteru" or "watashi wa anata ga Daisuki", but eventually told me that x3 said in English that tender, she kissed her hand Hizaki (and she kissed the hand of Kamijo). XDDD ME BACK BUT
Just outside, I had bought Jubilee Flying Circus (I remember sitting with RoIndian, to stand before he said hello and I said x3 "Konbanwa" x3 hand greeted him (ah ~ warm * W *) and see their eyes ... oh my dear leader of Alice Nine Nao D8 is Teru Teru zd vbsedtbhtfbhvbxrfgvewg
dfd I love all of it, I mean ... I bet the quazillones I have in the RC (80 million) to the rough Teru photos and videos is not it, because face to face is TOO cute, I swear by the tentacles of Cthulhu (?) . Overall, I gave the booklet, he raised his little hand * x *) took him (gjdby 64rdfxgtcerh) and signed it ~ I stared at him as he signed ... their eyes looking down their pesta ~ x3 & aig that the place was dimly lit ~ Teru looked dark on an orange background, coffee, like a pilot light non-savers (?). Your pielecita white makeup, seemed to have that texture in the video for Serenade. I pupilentes wearing dark, because if ~ remember "intense blue eyes, no?
Oh yeah, by the way ~ Teru put a beautiful face every time someone came into place. How not to get tired of being so nice? And the face that ended when I got your little voice x3 ~ ahhhhhh man. 3. )
This drawing represents the moment when he took my picture. Maso least this was beautiful. DI pity xD I have no guitar. Then followed
~ ~ ~ ~ Yuuuuuuuukiiiiiiiiiiiii .
With him I did horrible xD
ball and was left with face (n.nU) xD ah, Yuki (now the only thing that shits me about him is that when I say / write "Yuki" I think in other Yukis 2443364354 3453562356 ^ ¬ ¬). to start, said "Hi", I said "Konbanwa" and like I lifted his hand to greet him and took off, then as I saw that he had lifted her again to put @ _
@) it took me a bit to find your photo, and I gave him twoent to him xD). I gave the booklet and thanked him and raising his gift ~ Masashi, I almost inauldiblemente "onegai ~" and then "kore wa, Masashi not present" and subject him and said, "Masashi damage "and I leaned over and said quietly" hai ~ Masashi da "and smiled to leave and I left with them ...
These are photos of my Jubilee booklet (taken from right next to the autograph look better o3o) ~
is the order in which the signed.
I felt peace. Volt & eacute, and to atrásy the last time I saw ~ Teru, Kamijo, Yuki, Hizaki. I moved on and embraced the booklet, then ran into a wall and I began to mourn. From the An Cafe concert that what little was left over I put it away. I reached for Miyavi, but I was hoping that another band would come. When I said that chance was Versailles ... I was thrilled ... when I learned that if they would ... I was very happy. I asked for a grant to get money to travel the City, did some design work ... struggled horrors for the student discount on the truck, I had to walk alone in the city with IchaI helped! As I saw Adrian gave her a hug and cried, hugged the girl who had kissed her hand Hizaki, embraced Garou, Dai and his friend too. I was very tired and after talking with a madman (I thought it was polite to go and ask their phones to those of Versailles), I went to the girl-of-the-hand-kissed her things to go I went to paqueteríay ... Icha engargué him to tell him not to stay Rox Forgive, but had been a great pleasure to know both her and Karen and Kary. responsible Le Rox tell you thanks and love her ...
forgive me for not staying, but I was super tired.
It was. I walked down the deserted street of the universe for a little store to buy more water or soda ... there was only one restaurant open, I had, looking a little store that drinking in restaurants is expensive ... but only saw a sale and I wanted to poke and scary, the better I just went to the restaurant and bought two drinks.
I went to the hotel, battle in finding that opens the rooms. ~ I went and lay down on the bed, I looked for the painkillers, I sent a message to my mother and I fell asleep. Icha arrived & oacuteand, with a burger, I took the pill and I slept like an alcoholic xD with all the junk in the bed (the empty plate of hamburger, soft drink bottles, packing pads ...).
Oh yes ~ I remember thinking that he would not cosplays of the band, because Hizaki, Teru Jasmine and are difficult ~ but I forgot that Yuki Kamijo and not so xD so yes, if had cosplays. One that I liked was the cos of Kamijo on Ascended Master. Teru was surprised when I saw it and signaled with both hands pointing and smiling all cos. Know what would be the reaction of others. CH
TMLXC ~ The next day we played at the door of the room Garou because they requested it, to go somewhere together ... and nothing, while in a message that told me xD were dormidotes On Monday I was angry with Icha ugly ¬ ¬) I talk right now. WENT TO THE STORE OF SHIIIIBA! Japanese Carero o3o XD) well, is that there are things that change vendíaa half of your soul, but others were very well priced. It is assumed that the 2 abríaa but we arrived at 1 xDD struggled to find because they knew where it was the Revolution Square, just that theyMetro was out there walking xD total Shiba and let us frisk * AAA * CABRON had my favorite brand clothing POT ~ SeX ReVeNGe had many shirts that read "VAMPS" ~ I left flyers Diru FC, and immediately told me which were the singles Diru, hehe. There were also pens the band x3 in mysterious ways,
am now the happy owner of sleaze and Myaku CLEVER * A *)
my two favorite songs Díraaaaan> 3 \u0026lt;) (with AMBER But that only comes in AmbuMan VULGAR). He had a magazine of the Gothic & Lolita Bible ~ where Kamijo old is still part ofLareine ~ I wanted to buy ... Thanks to ESA scans magazine liked several brands of clothes ... I first saw there Kamijo, Miyavi and Mana ... There are many beautiful and special things together ... but no, I preferred my single - 3 -) even preferred the singles against Dir en Grey The GazettE ~ ls I am officially a monster xD 
Photo Shop "Harajuku" - Shiba yet accommodating walked
why things look so empty: P
little card they give you in the purchase of singles
s o3ochain stores). We bought two waters for 16, it is assumed that I was getting 6 to 10. 4 Then I played fair, but obviously was not going to ask because the pay all my tickets to the Metro apart, after that we were going to get on the subway. So I put 10, for what?, Never mind. Either way, after paying the water, and only brought $ 3 ~ the entrance to the metro that cost, so if you wanted to go, we needed to gather for another entry ... He said he had brought $ 100 a ticket, and I brought YES show, but he had made the purse to the bottom of backpack-suitcase mo. I told him that fair on the money, unless you want it & iacute; an feriar, to buy something cheap. ~ He said no and we started to fight. the holiday I wanted a ticket, did not want. His reason was that if the bill shows, then it would be easier to spend the rest ~ this reason I became quite angry, I said that simply do not spend that money to bring the holiday or not make big difference especially if I did not let him spend. He even suggested that, as I no longer had money, I kept the show in my wallet and not spend it. I did not want, ok ... I said because I could not take the show to see if they understood that it was m & ap, iQuest, and earned her mother? I said then that we had already given reasons, and mine was obviously the best ~ I insisted that I could save money if she was afraid to spend it. And nothing said that would not give. "Queeeeee? "ASSIGN? AS IF SAID SOMETHING UNFAIR! He was doing sufir, I was driven to get my stuff TRAI THAT WHEN HE FUCKING MONEY IN A BILL. I thought "Esther ... is a 14 years ... you are 18 ... OBVIOUSLY you bring him as 10 years of maturity ... breathes and tranqulízate ~ What did I do? Threatened him. Pens & eacFair * end voice * idiot me, instead I get NO money from the pack because it would have to empty it all, I will not put my stuff here, much less outside. " He said "there, or that you were going to attack" ... for this, he made Icha ALL (his dad, my mom, even Rox YO) exagerabamos with that of the rounds. Ok, maybe if ... But why not wanted him to do crap EMPTYING YOUR BACKPACK IN SEVEN ELEVEN, which was just what he wanted me to do (by the way, Icha carelessly left his bag several times Shiba shop ¬ ¬). Arg, although Tower (the city done live) was safera and peaceful, empty your bag with underwear, bras, hair iron, curling hair and makeup was a crazy OBVIOUSLY DO THAT IN THE MOST DF, what happens? IBAN NO ME WHAT TO ASSAULT? NO, obviously not going to rob me, IBAN A RUNNING OUT WITH MY STUFF. Apart is so disgustingly common theft and assault in the shops for what I thought would be to ICHA not steal, or what? Net
I had had enough. What would I do? He did not want baby in diapers feriar your ticket, or attempt holiday. I would have to get my stuff ~ o go to a quiet place, sit, hand and ask metaror if he could stoop and show my dirty laundry for everyone to get three dollars.
I told him not to follow me and told me to just not turn around to see him, I was not being followed. But obviously I was, several times stopping for a long time in places without connection, asking things to the police and even entering the wrong aisle. Even had a moment of solitude to mark my mother. I would say to a policeman that "a boy" I walked along, but I thought that if the cop made me if I change very castor. Icha
tried to talk a few times since then until sub & amp; iacute; the truck, but I did not listen. Yes, that is childlike, but if you spoke could erupt again. It was best to leave it. AHHH ~
but angry with that brat does not take away the happiness. He did not apologize and I told him about it and hopefully understand some day ... More than once I noticed it that pride, arrogance and stupidity have caused similar problems. Not for me to educate, but to give advice (and I have given), not for me to punish him, nor to endure. If I had found the 5 pesos from the beginning, I had not done so much to fart ... Hopefully the next genera