Monday, December 6, 2010
How Much Does Blizzard Cake Cost FUCK THE BORDER LINE
I had been half in the series, right in the 7 (and I wanted a 9 because that is where my beloved Leon Zagart out). Now all I would lack the volume 13 and 14, A;) I love this manga / anime / game, I love him love him love him.
B~ Changed my point system (?) For the bands I like DIR EN GREY
: -50 points for not participating in the tribute to Kuroyume
the GazettE: +50
points for participating in the tribute to Kuroyume
Takanori Nishikawa: stays the same because it was MORE than obvious Plastic Tree: +345365454365454 points because they will MARIA The truth is that I imagine that fucking
of Diru not participate ... Kyo and its complex to deny their roots - if the past Kyo Kyo knew the future (?) Is not participating in this project, I like it stopped making music. I mean, is that I understand thatchange, they are no longer visuals that ANYTHING LESS THAN THIS. How is it possible? How is it that did participate in tribute to Michiro Endoh but NOT in the Kiyoharu? For me senseless, I demand to know who is to blame because I refuse to believe that Kyo is so hypocritical / commercial / whatever-it-is to deny Kiyoharu. OBVIOUSLY Dir en Grey is my favorite band but ... spent, I was very disappointed not to participate .... Not to mention that my dream to hear her sing a song so obscure style of Kiyo and will not happen.
A comment from a girl made me think that Chance is because they participated in another tribute, that of Endoh M
Monday, November 29, 2010
Hook Up Wakeboard Tower Speakers
"Your problem," the doctor Began, laying down His stethoscope "Is Being in real too."
The carriage clock chimed nine on historical desk. "Your heart-Ache, the dreams, memory loss, the peculiar sensation of moths in your lungs dog All Be Attributed to this cause."
I pinched my cheeks, my Tongue rolling around the cavern of mouth. That Could be right, I Had Not Been Trying so hard to exist. Had I read all the right sort of books, while eating, walking, waiting for the train. Had I changed my name at least three times in the last week. I Had Thought in the third person and past tense. I Had The Jab Memoriser eventse oo There is reason to make several cuts
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunroom Infrared Heaters
Today ... today ... today ... in a couple of hours I'll go see The Deathly Hallows! And could not let pass me by here. I'm super excited and could not I could not help remembering how he entered the wonderful world of HP and I must say that I owe everything to my nephews. Yes, some kids (well, at that time were children XD) that , obsessed as they were with HP, they asked the wise men of a boy wizard books. When my sister told me the truth I stayed fried ... 'a boy wizard? " peand January.
Months later I still did not touch the books and therefore not knowing what's with the boy wizard and go to my nephews insisted that I read. Until one day I had to look after them and provided them to eat, I asked the book to read them myself. That was my downfall ... I still remember it was the Chamber of Secrets. My life would never be the same: DD
Then we fought for books to read ... ah those were the days.
Anyway, just wanted to share with you some of my nostalgia. I hope to return soon.
Friday, November 12, 2010
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Dir En Grey, the GazettE, Kiyoharu, Kagrra, LM.C - They are my favorite artists. Saddens me that by next March 3, Kagrra, and no more. I do not fit with sadness. Death is announced, and I feel incredibly powerless. I was even able to get something official from them ... is ... now I get, even without money. They have given me so much, even in the end, I pay them something. I will not watch them live. Isshi have before me, and none of it will come true. I dreamed of seeing them both, was not so crazy to think of something.
& iquest; What happens to the PSC? What happens to Japanese music? Why everything good has an end ...? I thought ... Kagrra naively thought it was one of those bands that never disintegrate, making music that would remain forever. I thought that would live.
I imagined myself at a concert, I figured with Jocelyn and with Rox, listening ...
Now nothing.
Nothing at all ... when things happen so I feel very bad. I wish I had not woken up, yesterday was so good. I never imagined that one of my favorite bands would leave. I if
Friday, October 22, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Answers To Ap Biology Lab 4
good 8D came a guy in a suit with a silver paste stuffed sleeves hac & iacuteIt strikes me that in these concerts, people put all in the attitude of "I am the Molotov # 1 fan" xD listen to the songs of other bands of the event and are shouting of profanity and fanned them things at ALL times unless
- They remind music Molotov.
- I liked (but it must be something damn good or ignored). Well just happened
second, do not you go to a place waiting for the touch teleneros same as the main event ... then I love it, ok, maybe ALL the clothes of these assistants are shirts of bands (if there are people like that) and it's obvious that that day will be the Jaguares play or not Control Machete nato Mars song 8D bone ... I say good, but when you ask it to give you part 5436543 arguments because that song sucks and defend ACDC, Megadeth or band to bring in his shirt, I am shocked that people are all false, putamadre, nothing has wrong with you like that song xD but no, strive to be a lot-I-I have male-penis-and-balls and say NO to everything that is not smelly and ugly-_-) a of Café Tacvba was at the concert and when he began to speak of profanity shouted his voice "sissy" wtf. NETA, NETA, do not know what repinche desire to scream like animals intolerance. AH, another thing I quieron RANTES (?).
for you and hold you in place erotically'll catch the fish market, not to mention those kisses always begin as soon as the opportunity, as if the subject would live to kiss. Hell, I know that kissing can easily ignore the world, but then there's like this all in silence and hear the pure Muac Muac filthy.
I bring a mention because some guys ... bands playing and if huuy if very attentive watching the concert, but only had the song already entrelaznado their tongues and their mouths stinking of beer and cigarettes (and I know because once the breathing rate close to me and ASCO) D8 if they were biting their lips, giving many tender kisses ... go even hablandt and I cried so much when they started "
Parasite" (the first song I heard of them as a child 8'DDD innocent D8), " Frijolero
" "Marciano
" and "Gimme tha power
." I was excited to "Puto
" (the song is eagerly awaited by all, since we got the went who could sing and shouted "fucking, fucking" like crazy xD well even one of the of the band and told us afeminadillo "huy if fucking very fucking ")... XD Ah Marciano touched the twoxDD xDD times in different versions followed xD X'DDD only the last song was "Rastamantadita" and spent a number of youth in the public arena and a couple went about doing fanservice (including and separately) and then a is under the pants, taught her thong and stood in bra and rubbed it so well bitch to the band O_O) xD was not ugly and I admit that although he danced well pancilla and fulfilled the role of being sexy, what I like big (more rant xD) it and all the girls well ... pants is that they use less size than they have. Aunts poor have almost no body fat and use e're pants tighten it and gets out in a tire so horrible that would not necessarily exist. Let people like me that if we are obese we show auction, we can not help it ... but they DDD8 to menses. Anyway
Now is the first time I played "it" ... I do not remember what name, but when it enters the public make a clear and there are set to push many types, all before the concert or in the midst of a lively song, or at any time. D8 the first time was fun because it was the circle fast and we had fun watching, well, I was almost on the shore (of course) and even when caFree e-space and I can get to like, that's what happened now. After like 6 hours had already been stopped, then it hurt D8 then pushed from all sides and I had to grab the other guys, but I insist, he was not so tight sometimes place than I was holding was going to I side to side and then someone pushed me to the other side and if I felt D8 ndsjsa dbaskjdnsa ugly, but tell me if I felt ugly baby * cries *. I left as I could with the pain of my soul because I was being close to the stage ... uu)
Throughout the concert I fell like 3 glasses of cervaza so bad plan indeed D8 XD I smell cigar tavern and beer from head to toe DDD8
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
How To Write A Letter For Court Hours
* ~ Must be ...
something cute ~ ...
totally sentimental emotion is so raw, no ?~...
unpredictable ~....
stormy, but who knows how to be calm at a time ~ ...
that snatches the heart ~ ...
give you around like carousel, but it is understood, the end of the ~ ...
Less than 3 months before the deadline ... x3 What a mess !!!!!!
Many options, I can not decide ;____________;!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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*~ Here you sit on your high-backed chair
Wonder how the view is from there
I wouldn't know 'cause I like to sit
Upon the floor, yeah upon the floor
If you like we could play a game
Let's pretend that we are the same
But you will have to look much closer
Than you do, closer than you do
And I'm far too tired to stay here anymore
And I don't care what you think anyway
'Cause I think you were wrong about me
Yeah what if you were, what if you were
And what if I'm a snowstorm burning ?
What if I
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Male Urinary Tract Infection Webmd * ~ Decode
Of those things when your past comes back, wiggles in front of you, takes off his hat, it makes a bow and says "good morning" oo ... Depends a guard down or not .... I'm still a little skeptical oo ~
Dear memories ... could stop tormenting me?! : 3
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How To Set Up A Faviriohdv3 Projector * ~ "PON A PRINCE BLUE IN YOUR LIFE!"
The ADLSNDADLCDH (Mad Singles Association Desperate Lovers No Fairy Tale) reports that due to the difficulty of reintegrating Prince Charming in today's society, 30 of the current month held an auction among all who wish to go for her own prince charming.
Below is the list of princes to be auctioned:
-Prince of "Sleeping Beauty" very useful if not you want to buy a dismissalt is free of curses ... But you may still morphed and transformed into a beast. (We are not responsible for any damages and / or biting). Has love for roses ~
-Prince "Little Red Riding Hood: How that Riding Hood was no prince? Do me the favor of re-reading the story, you make me feel embarrassed! This muchaho so charming is not what it seems ~! A beautiful lion per day may be the ideal prince when the sun goes down 1313 (not sure his side's survival, but it is a fantastic Comp &No auction shall infromar the president of the ADLSNDADLCDH (Magali), and General Coordinator (c'est moi) to be informed pertinantemente schedule and potential competition.
* The money raised will go to the Lost Boys of Neverland, they want to buy a tree house. * Thanks for your attention,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
1996 Mercury Cougar Xr7 Problems *~ \
What happens next?
If you want a happy ending, try A.
John and Mary fall in love and get married. They both have worthwhile and remunerative jobs which they find stimulating and challenging. They buy a charming house. Real estate values go up. Eventually, when they can afford live-in help, they have two children, to whom they are devoted. The children turn out well. John and Mary have a stimulating and challenging sex life and worthwhile friends. They go on fun vacations together. They retire. They both have hobbies which they find stimulating and challenging. Eventually they die. This is the end of the story.
Mary falls in love with John but John doesn't fall in love with Mary. He merely uses her body for selfish pleasure and ego gratification of a tepid kind. He comes to her apartment twice a week and she cooks him dinner, you'll notice that he doesn't even consider her worth the price of a dinner out, and after he's eaten dinner he fucks her and after that he falls asleep, while she does the dishes so he won't think she's untidy, having all those dirty dishes lying around, and puts on fresh lipstick so she'll look good when he wakes up, but when he wakes up he doesn't even notice, he puts on his socks and his shorts and his pants and his shirt and his tie and his shoes, the reverse order from the one in which he took them off. He doesn't take off Mary's clothes, she takes them off herself, she acts as if she's dying for it every time, not because she likes sex exactly, she doesn't, but she wants John to think she does because if they do it often enough surely he'll get used to her, he'll come to depend on her and they will get married, but John goes out the door with hardly so much as a good-night and three days later he turns up at six o'clock and they do the whole thing over again.
Mary gets run-down. Crying is bad for your face, everyone knows that and so does Mary but she can't stop. People at work notice. Her friends tell her John is a rat, a pig, a dog, he isg house which they bought just before the real estate values went up, and hobbies which they find stimulating and challenging, when they have the time. John tells Mary how important she is to him, but of course he can't leave his wife because a commitment is a commitment. He goes on about this more than is necessary and Mary finds it boring, but older men can keep it up longer so on the whole she has a fairly good time.
One day James breezes in on his motorcycle with some top-grade California hybrid and James and Mary get higher than you'd believe possible and they climb into bed. Everything becomes very underwater, but along comes John, who has a key to Mary's apartment. He finds them stoned and entwined. He's hardly in any positiharity work until the end of A.
If you like, it can be "Madge," "cancer," "guilty and confused," and "bird watching."
F. If you think this is all too bourgeois, make John a revolutionary and Mary a counterespionage agent and see how far that gets you. Remember, this is Canada.
You'll still end up with A, though in between you may get a lustful brawling saga of passionate involvement, a chronicle of our times, sort of.
CHSaid for plots, anyway Which Are Just One Thing After Another, a "what" and a "what" and a "what."
Now try "How" and "Why."
... will it? The author of this text states that the important thing is not the end of the story, but what happens in the middle ... And it is assumed that the ends are always happy?! oo ~
Friday, August 20, 2010
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